morning Star School Ratlam

Founder's message

Mrs. Theresa ward

Founder : Mrs. Theresa ward

Our founder Mrs. Theresa Ward completed her education from Jesus & Mary school Shimla. Trained in child psychology she had a unique approach to understand the need of basic literacy which led her to work at kg and primary levels of education.
She had taught for about two years in United Kingdom and then gave her services in the educational arena of India like School of Birla Nagda & Railway English Medium School Ratlam. Trained from Trinty college London she had a flair in playing piano. Mrs. T. Ward having a deep foresightedness brought a new valley of education in the city , as she laid the foundation of Kindergarten Morning Star School in 1986 which was the first ever nursery setup in Ratlam city

Mr. Bernard ward

Founder : Mr Bernard Ward

Whereas most people just exist , a few visionaries discover their purpose in life and leave a legacy behind. One such great legend was Mr. Bernard Ward the founder of our Organization. He never left any stone unturned in providing the best educational facilities in the city. With his expertise in the field of Management he changed dreams into reality, not only of his mother’s but for thousands of parents and students in Ratlam city. He brought in an innovation in the field of education by providing the latest gadgets and methodologies for the upliftment of the students. He had a never give up attitude and believed that every child is gifted.